

SO that is:
Female Ejaculation: You too you can achieve it!
The latest research indicates the possibility that all women produce female ejaculate, even if they are not aware of it. The expelled or released fluid is not urine, it is an alkaline liquid secreted by the paraurethral glands. The paraurethral glands produce an enzyme called prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) and glucose (a sugar). 
 These substances have been found in much higher quantities in female ejaculate than are found in urine. The fluid from the paraurethral glands is released or expelled during orgasm as a result of pelvic muscle contractions. Stimulation of the G spot or paraurethral gland is not required for this to occur and it may occur in the absence of orgasm. The glands may simply overflow with fluid and as a result it seeps out.
Female ejaculation: reality or myth! The subject is still widely debated. While all women have a G-spot, it has been estimated only 10 to 40 % of the women are capable of female ejaculation. The expulsion of this clear or milky fluid, either occasionally or systematically, should eliminate all doubt even to the most septic of its true existence.
What is it?
 Female ejaculation refers to the expulsion (often powerful) of noticeable amounts of fluid from the urethra region.Report’s on composition and origin are at best questionable or inconsistent.
However a majority of researchers concur that the fluid is neither urine or natural lubricant. Studies have shown that the paraurethral glands (paraurethral means near urethra) produce the same alkaline fluid has the male prostate. 
 These glands, also called ‘’Skenes Glands’’, do not have the same structure has the male prostate. The mixing of fluid with urine while in the urethra also explains its composition. Others claim the fluid comes from the bladder and follows a different ‘’drain way’’. While others believe its just urine ejected during pelvic muscle contraction. We cannot tell if a women is urinating or ejaculating outside a medical lab. These fluids all exist trough the urethra so the visible source is the same whitch doesn’t help matters.
 尿道旁腺,也称为“skenes 腺体”与男性前列腺的构造不同。从尿道里与尿液的混合液体也可以分析阴精的成分。也有研究者说阴精来自于膀胱并且射出方式不同于排尿。另外还有人认为这只是在骨盆肌肉收缩时的排尿!
 How Much Liquid is Released?
 The amount of fluid released is reported to vary form a couple of drops to almost 2 cups. Keep in mind that the paraurethral glands (there are more then 30 of them) while continue to produce fluid has long has a women is sexually aroused, and as a result, liters could be produced if she was to experience multiple orgasms.
Women First
 Female ejaculation, which doesn’t occur with every orgasm, is associated to a notion of very intense pleasure when known and accepted. All women do not ejaculate. There are no standard so women who do not ejaculate should not feel inadequate.
 The Clitoris:
 The Doorway to the G-Spot!!!
 The clitoris is the key to female ejaculation. If its not stimulated a women is less likely to become aroused. If she is not highly aroused, her parauthral glands will not fill with fluid. No fluid…no G-spot. No G-spot…contractions of the pelvic muscles that expel and release the ejaculate. No ejaculate…mission failed… GAME OVER!!!!! ILL CALL YOU… I PROMISE…she said…
The G-Spot
 The G-spot lies directly behind the pubic bone within the front wall of the vagina. Imagine a small clock inside the vagina with 12 o’clock pointed at the navel. The majority of will have the G-spot located between 11 and 1 o’clock. Usually it is a lima-bean sized, spongy area witch responds to stimulation by hardening and swelling as blood rushes to it.
 G点, G点位于阴道前壁耻骨的正后方。可以想象在阴道里面有个小钟表,钟表的十二点钟方向指向肚脐。大多数女性的G点位于十一点到一点之间。通常只有一粒马豆(直径4mm左右)大小,因为血液充盈,使G点变硬和肿胀,周围的海绵区可以感知到这种刺激。


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