当前位置:咏佳>目录>第2章 Fresh Milk Fastfood Chain

第2章 Fresh Milk Fastfood Chain

  Based on my illustration - [[jumpuri:Fresh Milk Fast-food Chain > https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/97488741]]




   On the first impression, this fastfood restaurant looks just like any other ones in this big city. Here,

   you can get your typical hamburgers, fries, ice-creams, you name it. However, for whoever that has

   ever been to this place, they would know besides all those, you can also order a cup specifically for

   the unique Fresh Milk that allows unlimited times of refills. However, reasonably not every customer

   would dig the unique flavor of this signature drink served only at the Fresh Milk Fastfood Chain.

   Though undoubtedly, such special service has attracted a bunch of local second-timers to revisit

   the restaurant frequently. As for the recipe of this so-called Fresh Milk, it remains a hotly discussed

   urban myth among all its lovers.


   Besides the mysterious recipe of the Fresh Milk, there is also another puzzle that perhaps raises a

   much more serious attention among people - since the restaurant’s opening, numerous missing

   person reports have been filed concerning young women typically aged from 18 to 30, with various

   backgrounds, including customers to the restaurant itself, its former employees, even workers from

   other places located in the vicinity of the Fresh Milk Fastfood Chain…




   On a Friday afternoon, a young girl took the bus and arrives at her workplace - a nightclub located

   at a corner on the city’s commercial street. Girl notices that the once rather quiet street outside the

   nightclub has grown significantly more populated during the day due to the newly-opened fastfood

   restaurant right across the club over the past few days.


   “Never heard of this name before, wonder how come it is so popular?” Girl thinks to herself while

   walking past the restaurant’s front door, “Maybe I’ll give its hamburger a try after tonight’s shift.”


   Inside the employee dressing room, Girl takes out a set of brand new uniform from her personal

   wardrobe. It consists of a high leg leotard made of latex, a stretchy fish-net tank top which goes

   with a pair of fishnet stockings, a dark grey vest that virtually cannot be buttoned, a set of wide

   collar separated from a shirt paired with a necktie, and an erotically short miniskirt.


   Despite having been working at this nightclub for more than a month, as well as the fact that it is

   still too early for any other colleagues to show up in the same room, Girl still can’t help but blush

   while dressing herself up in her uniform. By company code, no bras are allowed underneath. As Girl

   stretches the fishnet tank top over her naked body, her fully exposed pair of sensitive nipples are

   gently caressed by the nylon of the fish net over and over again, sending pulses of arousing

   sensations all around her breasts. When finished, the precut holes located in the front of the

   stretchy top are just big enough to allow Girl’s peachy areolae being proudly displayed.


   “Well, thanks to the outer layer I guess,” Girl swiftly puts on the latex leotard which has two pedals

   in the front that barely covers her nipples, “Better than nothing. Fingers crossed they don’t slip

   down during work.” Moments later, as others are starting to arrive, Girl finishes her dressing and

   heads towards the bar area in preparation for the start of her night shift.


   The commercial hub of the city at 4 am in the morning hosts only a few shops that still remains

   open. No matter how much they were filled during the day, at this hour, all would transform into

   glowing fish tanks radiating with both coziness and lonesomeness.


   “Finally…”Girl curled herself in the couch in the lounge, sighing in relief, “Another long night dealing

   with those assholes who just can’t keep their filthy hands off of me. Luckily, boss gave me that

   bartender job so that I wouldn’t be serving customers while wearing these.”


   At this moment, besides the fact that the building will be closed and locked in about 4 hours, the

   only thing that keeps Girl from falling asleep right here in the couch is her growling empty stomach .

   “Dinner obviously failed to last,” Girl recalls the 24/7 sign outside the Fresh Milk Restaurant and

   thinks to herself, “What the hell, I’m gonna let go for just one night.”


   Due to her exhaustion, Girl has no intention of changing. She grabs her long coat and wraps her

   body up, leaving only the bottom half of her fishnet legs and the glossy pair of high heels catching

   light in the gloriously warm glow of the fastfood building as she hastily walks towards it.


   “No time to mind too much. If there are too many people I’ll just grab a take-out and have it back in

   the lounge.” Girl mumbles to herself.


   Girl’s grips tighten the wrapping of her long coat in a cross-armed fashion while the automatic glass

   door of the restaurant smoothly opens before her. Girl takes a few seconds before fully entering the

   place to do a quick scan of the restaurant’s interior. “Only a couple of other people scattered

   around, nice.” Girl thinks in relief, “And we even got self-serving ordering machines, perfect!”


   With only a few taps and swipes, Girl has finished ordering her burger set meal from the glowing

   screen. However, one thing that baffles her a bit is that while selecting her drink which goes with

   the meal, the same prompt relentlessly jumps on the screen to ask her if she is “sure not to try out

   our special Fresh Milk?” After a couple times of Girl’s resolute taps, the ordering machine finally

   gives in and let Girl chooses her orange juice, reluctantly.


   “What the hell,” Girl grunts in silence, “who orders milk in a fastfood place at 4am? The computer

   almost seemed intimidating when it kept prompting the same message over and over. Crazy AIs.”


   Five minutes later, a young waitress brings the meal to Girl’s table. Girl notices that her orange juice

   is already filled in a glass, instead of what she imagined to be an empty cup which allows for

   unlimited refills. Girl checks with the waitress about her drink service before she turns around.


   “My apologies, but only our Fresh Milk allows for refilling. All other drinks are sold just like in other

   typical restaurants.” The waitress replies with a gentle smile while gesturing towards one of the milk

   dispensers hanging on the wall.


   “Got it, thanks.” Girl looks in the pointed direction. Her growling stomach keeps her mind from over

   analyzing this rather peculiar setting of this already bizarre restaurant. She finishes her meal in

   almost an instant.


   Now with a full bowl, Girl finally has some free space in mind to notice a handful of strange findings

   in this place: the noisily loud background music, the glowing “L” and “R” buttons on the milk

   dispensers, and the weird-looking posters hanging all over the walls… As her thoughts continue,

   Girl’s eyelids start to grow heavier second by second. The warm interior lights are starting to blur

   out of focus. And in a fleeting moment, the world around her silently falls into a black abyss.



   Faint and muffled music creeps into Girl’s pitch black world after god-knows how long. Gradually

   the environment noises grows louder and clearer in Girls ears - it is the familiar restaurant’s music

   no doubt, mixed with indistinguishable crowd’s noise that fades in and out. Judging with her

   hearing, Girl recognizes in a slight relief that she is still in that familiar surrounding before she

   passed out, thus willfully gives herself ample time to allow her consciousness to slowly recover to



   “I must have fallen asleep in the restaurant,” Girl thinks to herself while slowly lifts her heavy

   eyelids up, only to realize that the darkness persists nonetheless, “What…?”


   The sounds of her surrounding become more definite, Girl starts to slightly panic. “This must be

   that fastfood place. I know this music… so many people around me. But why can’t I see a thing?”


   Within the next dozens of seconds, most sensors of Girl’s body are beginning to awake. Her mind is

   suddenly flooded with sensory information like roaring tides flushing towards the shore. First, she

   feels this heat that hugs her entire body. Then, there is obvious numbness coming from all her

   limbs, running from the tips of her fingers all the way to that of her toes. Strong tensions are felt

   from every place of her skin, while her rectum, vagina and breasts in particular are overrun by

   uncomfortable sensations of fullness and swollenness.


   Girl recognizes in utter shock that her forearms are tightly bound together in parallel by leather

   straps, while being held right in front of her face firmly in place. Naturally she tries to move her

   fingers in search of the buckle of the strap that squeezes her wrists inseparable. However, she finds

   her hands being tightly wrapped inside a leather bag, in which the space only allows her elegant

   fingers to gesture in nothing but fists. She tries to wiggle her tightly bound arms out of place, only

   to find that the straps at her elbows and wrists are firmly attached to a wall one step in front of her.


   “Where the hell am I?” Girl tries to calm herself and think rationally despite every reason to panic.

   But her effortfully conjured rationality is crudely cut short by an electrifying pulse of vibration

   coming from between her thighs. It doesn’t take long for a nightclub bartender who has seen much

   of the adult world to realize what are penetrating her vagina and anus so mercilessly are two

   vibrating dildos with ridiculous sizes. Such sensation is so abrupt and strong that it renders Girl’s

   legs completely strengthless in an instant. As she prepares to fall on the ground, to Girl’s surprise,

   her waist feels pulling tensions from three directions which helps her body stay almost absolute still

   despite losing all her strength in that moment.


   It is also at this moment, Girl finds that her thighs and legs are meticulously bound by straps, too.

   And her tiring numb feet are still wearing that pair of high heels from work, unable to be lifted even

   half an inch from the ground.


   “Help!” Girl tries to scream as her survival instinct kicks in. However, this word never comes out of

   her mouth as loud and clearly as she imagines. Instead this call is rendered as nothing but a faint

   muffled whine. Her jaws are now realized to have been forcibly opened wide for a long time. What

   concerns Girl more than the ache of her opening jaws is that huge hard silicone ball firmly planted

   inside her mouth.


   Shifting her attention towards her head, Girl begins to understand what is imprisoning her inside

   this world of darkness - a heavily thick blinder is tightly strapped around her upper face, completely

   covering her eyes. The straps of the blinder also seem to be connected to that of the ball gag. A

   complex series of straps run across all dimensions of her head, firmly pressing down on her cheeks,

   chin, forehead and the sides and top of her head.


   Girl notices a delicate sensation of coolness at the corners of her lips and the edge of her chin. It is

   her uncontrollably excreted saliva slowly crawling downwards along her skin. She tires to shake off

   this silver drool as shame creeps into Girl’s mind. But soon she finds her entire head is somehow

   being pulled from above. All the straps meets at the top of her head, and are eventually connected

   to a metal rod that extends off of the wall behind, securing her head steadily in a back-bent fashion.

   Such tension is similar to that she felt on her waist.


   Eventually, Girl gathers herself up and makes a general recognition of her current situation amid all

   the chaos and darkness: She is at the moment still wearing her erotically revealing uniform (at least

   a part of it), with only the latex leotard and the miniskirt missing. Her eyes are blinded and her

   mouth is gaged. Her whole body is tightly restrained by an intricately complex leather harness and

   straps, which are somehow connected to the walls that forms the tiny space in which she is being

   held. And of course, on top of everything mentioned, there are the two sinister vibrating dildos

   diligently working inside Girl’s body.


   “If this…this is that restaurant…where exactly am I inside it? All the people around me…where are

   they?” Girl still has not given up her will to think as her body fights against the numbing aches and

   strangely pleasant sensations mixed together, “And my breasts…my breasts feel so weird…they

   feel… full..”


   Within the next few moments, all her questions in mind will be answered altogether.



   “Daddy! I want Fresh Milk!” A high-pitched childish voice pierces through the noise of the crowd

   before reaching in Girl’s ears, “Could you fetch me a cup, pleeeeease!” Judging by the sound’s

   clarity and loudness, Girl fears that the talking kid is almost standing right in front of her, with only a

   wall in between.


   Following the kid’s cry, comes a much deeper voice of an adult male, “Go sit with your mom first,

   Daddy will be back in a sec.”


   This sudden and clear conversation takes place so fast that Girl instinctively tries to move a step

   backwards in shock. But given her current situation, she manages nothing but to remain still like a

   sculpture stored in a tight closet.


   Girl nervously holds her breath in her own darkness. She has no choice but to helplessly witness

   what is going to happen with only her hearing as her last yet deprived sensory ability.


   “What an oddly designed milk dispenser…” Girl hears the man’s mumbling in exclamation of how

   thin the wall could be, “‘L’ and ‘R’? What kind of drink comes with left and right categories?”


   “Left and right?” Girl finds herself wondering together with the man behind the walls, “What the…”


   Before Girl can even finish that sentence in her head, a crippling pulse of pain is sparked on top of

   her left breast. She would have screamed and cried so loud if not for the ball gag inside her mouth.

   Amid the pain, Girl senses her left nipple being vacuum-sucked by a powerful force. Unable to bear

   for a second longer, Girl begins to struggle with all her remaining strength despite the meticulous

   restrains all over her body, shaking and swaying her bloated breasts desperately trying to break free

   from this unnamable sinister force. Almost menacingly, the two dildos inside her rectum and vagina

   starts to go frenzy as if they have suddenly gained sentience. On top of their vibration they added

   additional movements of worming and stirring inside Girl’s two tightly filled tunnels. Girl’s

   meaningless struggle only sinks her mind deeper down the swamp of despair as she notices the

   dildos are pressed inwards through her two holes mercilessly by the strap that runs between her

   thighs over her crotch. The mad vibration even transmits itself long the straps to the rest of her

   body. As for her breasts, Girl senses with her swaying and wiggling that the sucking discs which

   vacuum her nipples seem to be connected towards the wall by some kind of tubes.


   “Vacuum…tubes…breast…Fresh Milk…” The last remaining grip on reality has helped her finally fully

   understand what is being done to her. When this last bit of rationality also depletes, Girl finally

   succumbs within her own struggles to the mad tides of climax waves that floods every single bit of

   her burning body.


   Inside the four closely spaced walls, in this lonely tiny sealed space, Girl’s tears, saliva, and all other

   cum excretions squirts, ejaculates, splatters and blends waywardly and chaotically as her spirit also

   breaks free from her flesh imprisonment for what feels like an eternity.


   Girl’s glowing body drowns under her climax tides. In her undulating whines and groans, the last line

   of her defense finally breaks as her left nipple, which has been relentlessly power sucked, squirts

   out streams and streams of warm breast milk out into the conducting tube. Freshly pumped milk

   flows smoothly along the tube before finally entering the milk dispenser machine on the other side

   of the wall. After a brief machine humming, a girl’s breast milk thus undergoes a series of swift

   processing and blending inside the dispenser before eventually fills up the long-awaiting empty cup

   underneath the nozzle.


   Such is the full making process of the Fresh Milk at the Fresh Milk Fastfood Chain.



   “Well, it sure takes its time.” The man picks up the comfortably warm cup now filled with Fresh Milk

   while mumbling to himself, “Maybe this particular dispenser needs some maintenance. I didn’t see

   others wait this long.”


   The man quickly turns around with the drink in hand and walks towards his already impatient son,

   who bursts into pure excitement when seeing his father return with his favorite drink.


   If it is not for the overall crowdedness inside this restaurant filled with happy chatty people, as well

   as the delightful mood of his own family, the man perhaps would take just a moment to wonder what

   he thinks he might have heard while waiting for his drink being made - some weird groaning noise of

   a woman? No way. Alas, no room for this kind of unhealthy delusions in such an innocent family-friendly place.


   It is a beautiful Saturday afternoon blessed with adorable sunshine out in the flourishing commercial

   hub of the city. A newly opened fastfood restaurant is welcoming its joyful customers with its

   signature Fresh Milk drinks.


   The end




   THIS………………………………………………………………………AHHHHHHH…NOT AGAIN…………..!”




上一章 目录

随机推荐: 第五人格h庄园军人狂欢逆缘之代父娶母(背德的母子-父子同穴-传宗接代)不吃伟哥不花毛线用黄豆给老婆入珠,女人吼声迭起高潮连我女友爱打炮妇人的藉慰《丝之恋-我与一对母女的故事》 - 34《覆雨大唐之无限风流(覆雨大唐)》 - 第591章《我和美女同事的那些事儿》 - 四一一、互暖